Oh look, three s!!!
(I have s; yu dont...ha-ha-ha!!!)
They dont have lists, but they should be! They should have lists you can browse and find words yer lookin fer... Hah, my comments better than yours! Duh, This app good, by gude app, app help you find way in life. What life???? Less 9/10 of you imbeciles have either never heard of or never use periods. All you do is, is that you put a comma after every other word. News Flash!!!: They, make, your, sentences, sound, choppy, and, then, it, is, not, legible... Or have you never heard of legible? How about a dictionary, so that you can look up legible? Or are you too lazy to look anything up, as you are with the commas and periods? Well that doesnt matter, cause I am home-shooled and you are public schooled, and I form far better sentences than your diminutive assheads ever could.
So use from now on grmr whn u write and b thoughtful in how u form ur sentences. (omg! marcie finaly txted
me back. now I can txt hr back. #%&@!
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